Adventure is a video game developed by Warren Robinett for the Atari 2600 and released in 1980 by Atari, Inc. The player controls a square avatar whose quest is to explore an open-ended environment to find a magical chalice and return it to the golden castle.
- Out of World Cup, Fox Sports and 23andMe help stateside fans find rooting interest. 23andMe Raises Another $250 Million—and Wants to Use.
- Ball diamonds scheduled to open on Friday, April 5. With snow still on the ground in many parts of Kelowna, the city said on Wednesday that local sports fields will remain closed until early April.
NORMAN - Although the 2020 edition of the long-running Medieval Fair of Norman has been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, some of its participants are hosting a virtual Renaissance fair at noon Sunday. Music maniaadcock games by: austin adcock football.
The WWW.Renaissance Faire (the 'WWW' stands for 'Wandering, Wonderous, Wireless') will feature online performances by some of the Norman festival's favorite entertainers, including the Motleys, Mick O’Celtey, Fugli, EZNDIL, Éiníní, The Bilge Pumps and storyteller Bonny Moffatt.
In addition, artisans from Skapa Leather and YeCart Pottery will give demonstrations, and special and surprise appearances are planned.
As previously reported, the Medieval Fair of Norman was one of the first major events in central Oklahoma to announce it was being canceled due to the pandemic. A spring tradition since 1977, the living history fair takes place annually in early April and features educational exhibits, arts, crafts, food, games, demonstrations and live entertainment on multiple stages. It draws more than 200 arts and crafts booths and thousands festivalgoers.
For more information or to attend the virtual fair, go to or check out the Facebook Event.
Dana Smith takes pictures of the Bilge Pumps while they perform at the 2019 Medieval Festival of Norman. Smith is a backup singer and a musician in the band. The Bilge Pumps are a troupe of musicians specializing in pirate music and are based in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Their performances..
Game 250: April 5 2019 The Initials Game 6
Game 250: April 5 2019 The Initials Games
Brandy McDonnell, also known by her initials BAM, writes stories and reviews on movies, music, the arts and other aspects of entertainment. She is NewsOK’s top blogger: Her 4-year-old entertainment news blog, BAM’s Blog, has notched more than 1.. Read more ›